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Committee Authorities

Jurisdictions of CRSD

The Capital Market Law provided for the formation of CRSD to meet the requirements of disputes arising from implementing the rules and regulations of the Capital Market Law and its Implementing Regulations, as well as CMA and the Exchange Market regulations, rules and instructions in terms of public and private actions. The financial activity is of a technical manifold nature and enjoys special customs that receive international recognition, making disputes thereof difficult and complex. Moreover, the echo of resolving such disputes leaves an outstanding imprint on the economic and financial stability.

Since the Capital Market Law stipulates rules for various cases, CRSD carries out its jurisdictions to review suits in accordance with such rules. The su​bject-matter of CRSD jurisdictions can be summarized in the following:

  • Review claims against decisions taken and procedures adopted by CMA or the Exchange Market , what is known as Administrative Suit; 
  • Review complaints arising between investors relating to the Capital Market Law and its implementing regulations as well as CMA and the Exchange Market regulations, rules and instructions in terms of public and private actions, what is known as Civil Suit; 
  • Consider suits brought by CMA – as a general prosecutor – against violators of the Capital Market Law and its implementing regulations, what is known as Penal Suit.

These subject-matter jurisdictions, are currently exercised at a broad geographical level covering all cities and governorates of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, thus acquiring jurisdictional competence with regard to these authorities. Limiting the powers in a single body ought to unify judicial principles and guidelines as well as concentrate potentials and utilize them to strengthen the concept of justice in disputes resolutions.

Authorities of CRSD

The Capital Market Law gave CRSD broad jurisdictions enabling the same to maximize the performance of these jurisdictions and comprehensively review and resolve disputes accurately as follows:

  • Grant CRSD all necessary powers to investigate and settle complaints and suits. 
  • Grant CRSD the power to issue subpoenas.
  • Grant CRSD the power to issue necessary decisions to resolve the suit. 
  • Grant CRSD the power to impose sanctions.
  • Grant CRSD the power to order the presentation of evidences and documents.
  • Grant CRSD the power to issue a decision awarding damages.
  • Grant CRSD the power to request reverting to the original status, or issue another decision as appropriate that would guarantee the rights of the aggrieved.​