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Announcement from CRSD

The Committee for Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD) announces that it has issued its decision No. (1056/L/D1/2012 G. for the year 1433 H.) dated 21/10/1433 H. corresponding to 8/9/2012 G., in the lawsuit filed by Mr. Abdulmohsen Muhamad Abdulmohsen Alibrahim against Ms. Reem Muhamad Mansour Alrajhi. CRSD decision states the following:

First: Annulment of the contract concluded between the plaintiff Abdulmohsen Muhamad Abdulmohsen Alibrahim and the defendant Reem Muhamad Mansour Alrajhi;

Second: Obliging the defendant Reem Muhamad Mansour Alrajhi to return to the plaintiff Abdulmohsen Muhamad Abdulmohsen Alibrahim the amount of (SR. 100,000) representing the sum which the plaintiff provided at the time of concluding such a contract;

Third: Obliging the defendant Reem Muhamad Mansour Alrajhi to pay to the plaintiff Abdulmohsen Muhamad Abdulmohsen Alibrahim the amount of (SR. 6,000) as compensation for lawyer fees.

Since it was not possible to locate the addresses of the defendant Reem Muhamad Mansour Alrajhi, it was decided to notify her on this decision which was issued against her by publishing such a decision in the Official Gazette. This person may object to the decision within thirty days from the date of publication of this Announcement. If no objection during this period was filed, the decision shall become final.
