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CSRD Launches its Official Website

The Secretariat of the Committees for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD) revealed the launch of CRSD official website, in a step that aims to raise the level of communication with litigants before the Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD) and the Appeal Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (ACRSD). These two committees have the authority given to them by the Capital Market Law to resolve Disputes relating to securities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

 This website includes information about CRSD and ACRSD, as they are the competent bodies which have the jurisdiction to review complaints of securities, as well as the legal documents that stipulates the establishment of CRSD and ACRSD. Any visitor to CRSD’s website can browse between the types of lawsuits that fall within the jurisdiction of CRSD, in addition to instruction and guidelines of how to submit a complaint, and the required documents for filing a lawsuit. This new website will aim to contribute to the increase of awareness of the investor rights in the stock market.

In the near future, the official website will witness developmental stages that include publishing the final decisions issued by CRSD and ACRSD, along with providing certain e-services to those dealing with these two committees.​