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Announcement from CRSD

The Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD) announces that it is reviewing the lawsuit No. (37/32) dated 21/04/1432 H. filed before CRSD by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) against both of: Mr. Bandar bin Mesehel bin Hawass Alotaibi, Saudi national holding national ID. No. (1038263917), and Mr. Turki bin Mesehel bin Hawass Alotaibi, Saudi national holding national ID. No. (1073419960).

A hearing session for this lawsuit is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 02/09/1432 H. corresponding to 02/08/2011 G. at exactly 01:00 p.m. at CRSD location in Riyadh, King Fahd Road, Atta'awnya Towers, southern tower, 13th flour.

This announcement shall be considered as a serving notice for those individuals mentioned above. In case of not appearing before CRSD during the determined hearing date and time, CRSD shall examine the case according to the presented documents and shall issue its decision in absentia.​