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Announcement from CRSD

The Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD), having its offices in (city of Riyadh, King Fahd Road, Atta'awnya Towers, southern tower, Floor 13) announces that it is considering a lawsuit filed with it by Ahmed Bin Abdullah Bin Ghorm Al Sumeidi Al Shihri, Saudi, against Hassan Bin Ali Bin Ghorm Al Sumeidi Al Shihri, Saudi,. The above lawsuit was deposited in CRSD Case Register under No. (86/34) dated 29/3/1434 H.

A hearing session for this lawsuit is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 6/6/1434 H. corresponding to 16/4/2013 G. at exactly 11:00 a.m.

This announcement shall serve as a notice to the above-mentioned person. In case of not appearing before CRSD at the determined hearing date and time, CRSD shall examine the case according to the presented documents and shall issue its decision in absentia.​

Latest Update : 04 March ,2018