GS-CRSD Announcing the Issuance of CRSD Decision Approving Class Action from Investor against Some Members of Board of Directors and Employees of Mohammad Al-Mojil Group Company

Further to the announcement of the General Secretariat of the Committees for Resolution of Securities Disputes (GS-CRSD) of the issuance of the Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes' (CRSD) decision No. (12/L/D1/C/2023) of 1445 H., dated 27/01/1445 H., corresponding to 14/08/2023, approving the acceptance of the request to register the class action lawsuit filed by an investor against some members of the board of directors and employees of Mohammad Al-Mojil Group Company, to claim compensation for the damages he suffered from as a result of the announcements issued by the Company on 22/02/2012 and 21/04/2012, that included the publication of the Company's annual financial statements for the year 2011 and the first quarter of 2012. Such publications was later proven, based on the Company's announcement on 22/09/2012 regarding its financial results for the second quarter of 2012, that such financial statements were incorrect, and that this alleged error led him to trade in the Company's shares during the period from 22/02/2012 until 21/07/2012 based on what was stated in the Company's financial statements during the aforementioned period, which created an incorrect and misleading impression about the Company's financial position during that period, which was referred to in the previous announcement;

The GS-CRSD announces the issuance of the CRSD decision No. (13/L/D1/C/2023) of 1445 H., dated 27/05/1445 H., corresponding to 11/12/2023, approving the above-mentioned class action lawsuit filed by the main claimant after the number of requests, sharing the claimed lawful principles and facts as well as the subject-matter of the claims, reached the limit stipulated by law to issue the decision of approving the class action. ​