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Follow-up Announcement from the General Secretariat of CRSD Regarding the Issuance of CRSD Final Decision No. (3537/L/D1/2021) of 1443 H.
Following up the announcement of the General Secretariat of the Committees for Resolution of Securities Disputes (GS-CRSD) which was issued on 25/03/1442 H., corresponding to 11/11/2020G., regarding the issuance of the Appeal Committee for Resolution of Securities Disputes’ (ACRSD) final decision No. (2028/L.S/2020) of 1442 H., dated 19/02/1442 H., corresponding to 06/10/2020G., in the case filed by the Public Prosecution (referred to by the Capital Market Authority (CMA)) against a number of defendants, that concluded of the conviction of such individuals (mentioned in the said announcement) of violating Article (49) of the Capital Market Law, as well as Article (2) of the Market Conduct Regulations for committing a number of violating acts and practices when trading in the shares of a number of companies. The decision included the imposition of a number of sanctions upon them according to the details mentioned in the above-mentioned announcement.


The GS-CRSD announces the issuance of the CRSD’s final decision No. (3537/L/D1/2021 of 1443 H.) Dated 06/04/1443 H. corresponding to 11/11/2021G., based on the petition to re-examine the case filed by Humoud bin Sultan bin Mish’al Albqumi. That decision included the non-conviction of the abovementioned individual for violating Article (49) of the Capital Market Law, nor Article (2) of the Market Conduct Regulations.